Maintaining the spreadsheet has taken up a good deal of my idle time, but it's self-serving: I know it is a powerful tool for other people, but it is extremely meaningful to me as well. I have no problem confessing that I am a control freak, and the chaos of this sambo process has really pushed me to the edge. Having the spreadsheet has been a gem to me, to be able to see exactly where we are in the process. I can't even begin to say how many people were told (after waiting 13 months!) that the wait times are "up to 21 months". If someone told me that and I didn't have the spreadsheet, I would have just jumped off a bridge right there. But the spreadsheet says 13-14 months to us still; until that picture changes, I will trust the spreadsheet and invest my feelings and sanity into it alone.
Anyway, I have to say: there has yet to be a more beautiful moment to me in this whole process than celebrating our 1-year application anniversary. I have read a lot of people mourn this time. They grieve over how long they have had to wait. For me, it was such an incredible time to celebrate! I just so happened to be in Sweden celebrating the holidays with my love when our 1-year application anniversary came around, so we were popping champagne and reflecting on what a long journey we have been on, and how happy we are to put one whole year behind us. Maybe it's because I've been working on the spreadsheet for so long and have known and accepted for a very long while that nothing would happen to our case for 13-14 months; but mostly, it was just knowing that we are closing in on the end.
I wrote a blog post several months ago discussing the 6 things I learned in the first 6 months of waiting. At that time, the waiting times still said that we'd have our decision within 4-9 months. Given we were half way through that time range, had just done our interview, and were told by the Vice Consul to "call MV if we hadn't heard anything within 2 weeks", we thought we were pretty much done with the process. That post was inspired by so much hope and pride for having survived 6 months as well as the refreshing joy of "knowing" (lol) we would soon have our decision.

The anxiety, the stress, the anger, and the hopelessness all got to me. I lost 14 pounds in 2 months. I had to medicate myself just to sleep. I could write a novel about that time (in fact, I already did) but it's not worth re-living. It was in that time that I created the spreadsheet, to help keep the pulse on what our waiting times were actually looking like, and what the trends were.
I count myself as one of the very few lucky ones in today's queue who received their interview email in a methodical fashion. Some people who applied just one month after me, had to wait 11 months to receive their interview email.... all the while watching on (as countless thousands of others have) to see interview emails being issued in an utterly chaotic fashion, with no rhyme or reason. I thank god beyond anything else, that we did not get swept up in that chaos. I cannot begin to imagine the feelings of rage, sadness and injustice felt by people who have waited 9, 10, or 11 months for an interview email, just to see people who applied 3, 4, or 5 months ago receive it. Migrationsverket says that when you get the interview email plays no part in when you will get the decision; that the decisions are given in order. But does that do much to soothe one's mind? I'll give you a hint: No.
For Johan and I, fortunately, the past couple months have been pretty ok. We were able to have me visit Johan for a month over the holidays, and it was the best reprieve we could have ever dreamed for. I left Sweden 1 day after our 1-year anniversary of applying, and it felt like we had finally put the majority of this hell behind us. We started counting the time left we estimated we'd have to wait, in "number of weeks", not "number of months". Or years.
Better yet, Johan just received permanent employment last week, which was cause for a HUGE celebration for us. It means that we can finally buy the house we (he) has been living in! We just finished remodeling the whole kitchen in December, and have so many other plans to bring the rest of the house up to speed. To know we will soon be homeowners is a terrific feeling.
But now, here we are. 12.5 months into the process, and dreaming of a decision.
We know we are about 4-8 weeks away from actually being able to say "we could get the decision any day", but every month we see some rare cases where decisions come for people in 12-13 months and it's hard not to daydream that today could be our day.
It makes you think about what it will be like to get the email. It may be the message informing us that a decision has been made, or it may be an email asking for komplettering (I believe that MV will ask us for photos, flight stubs and chat logs, to be honest - in fact, I've already begun to collect everything from since our interview). Either way, I'm going to pee my pants.
I can't really even imagine how I'll react when we know we have a decision, and the anticipation of getting a hold of the Embassy to hear the result. I know I'll feel relief - I think that's what will overwhelm me. And sheer joy, knowing that I can put this all behind me and move on, and actually LIVE a life. No more of this limbo, no more of this straddling two places that say they are home to me, but neither really is. No more having to put everything on hold, because my whole life is 10,000 kilometers away from me.
The fact that Saturday morning pancakes and fika with family can be a reality... building snowmen in the winter, rainy days at the gym, summer camping and kayaking... being reunited with my puppy out there, game nights with our friends, falling asleep in each other's arms.... the rush of realizing that can finally be a reality, will be beyond words.
I think a part of me will also mourn this process. For all the hell it has caused, I can say as a fact that I have never felt more alive as I have fighting every day through this garbage heap of a wait. All the feelings I felt every day, in real time, and all the moments that I felt like I was fighting for my life... it really made me just feel alive. I felt every single feeling so keenly. Time never just slipped by. I felt every second of it, and each moment was a reminder to me that I have such a bright light burning in my heart. For each day I felt pain, I equally felt grateful that I had something to feel such pain for. For each day I felt like I was going to die, I was reminded of how perfectly alive I was.
I never want to forget a single moment of this hell. I don't ever want to forget how hard I had to fight to be with the one I loved, because we believed in each other THAT much. I want to remember all the pain, the fear, the sadness, the loneliness and the hopelessness. I want to remember how bad it hurt to be apart from Johan, so that even in the normal, common, every day moments -- laundry day, boring work days, days where we are in grumpy moods or don't feel good -- we can remember that we are actually living in heaven. I don't think I'll ever have to go through an experience like this in my life, ever again. I don't want to forget it; I want to be able to retell this story to our children so they know what we had to go through to make this life a possibility. And I want them to know they can get through it too, if that's what life has in store for them.
But until then, we wait. As usual. And dream of a decision....
Megan - this was such a powerful post. I can literally feel the emotion bleeding from it and can relate directly to almost every one of these feelings you have had.
ReplyDeleteConsidering we both applied within days of each other I hope the both of us see decisions very soon. Thank you for all the work you have done in giving so many of us some peace of mind knowing we are not alone.
Lycka Till.
Thank you for such kind and uplifting words, Mark! It means a lot. I was just home sick in bed the other day and had all these thoughts swimming in my head. Weird feelings of exciting, anticipation, reflection, pride, humility, gratitude....
DeleteAt least to me, where you and I are at in the process, it seems very uplifting. It feels like a happy time. I am just as eager as the next to get my decision, but it is also nice to stew in the positive thoughts of realizing we have "done our time", and will soon have earned our own right to be with our loves. Yes, I have fears and anxieties about being one of the "forgotten ones", but I try not to dwell on that. Our time will come so soon, and we can put this all behind us once and for all! Until then, it's nice to have almost 13 months under our belts and to just stew in that glory :D
Hello Meg! I have been a silent follower of your wonderful blog for quite some time now. Initially, I found your encouraging posts on the local.se but I have been unable to locate them again sine :( guess they got lost in the see of other topics. I think I've read every single one of your posts here about 3-4 times haha (: but they've helped me plenty as we are considering applying as well at the end of the spring. If you don't mind me asking, what part of Sweden are you moving to? My boyfriend and I were discussing and wondering if perhaps some parts of Sweden are experiencing longer waiting times.. Anyways, I admire your uplifting spirit during these not-so-fun times! Hang in there, you are soooo close to the final decision! Lycka till!:D
ReplyDeleteHey there! Awww... you are so sweet! Sorry for all the rambling I do on this blog. And all the typos. I feel like I go back to re-read old posts and realize I misspelled so many things; it's embarrassing! Hahahaha :D But I am so glad it has been useful!!! <3
DeleteFor us, we have a house in the countryside sort of in the middle/southwest part of the country. But where you live in Sweden does not affect the application times at all :) It has been revealed that applicants who apply from certain countries in the middle east and Africa may experience longer wait times because Sweden has found they want to do extra investigation on applicants from those countries (this is not really a rumor; several people in the Facebook support group have been told this by MV workers both on the phone and in writing) :( But otherwise, it makes no difference where in Sweden your partner lives, or where you plan on moving to. All applications submitted online are entered into what's called the "E3 Queue" which is an electronic queue, and case workers at all permit units all over the country are able to pick out your case and work on it when it is your turn.
Some non-EU applicants are already in Sweden on a work or study permit, and are allowed to submit an application and stay in Sweden while it processes. If that is the case, you can of course do a paper application and drop it off at any MV office (no matter where in Sweden you live)... but even still, it will just get scanned in and entered into E3 digitally.
I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news! But it is what it is. So you guys can move and live anywhere in Sweden you want, and you don't have to worry about it affecting the application timelines. For Johan and I, our application was first looked at by someone in the Stockholm office, and then our interview email was sent out from the Umeå office, and then it will probably be looked at again soon by someone somewhere to see if we need to send in any final komplettering, and then the actual case officer who makes the decision could be anywhere in any of the MV offices in Sweden also; it's just whoever is free to open a new case, and yours just happens to be next in line in E3 :)
Hi Meg, i am always reading your post here in Heja Herlljunga! You really help us a lot.Thank you so much. From: Philippines
ReplyDeleteHi Meg, I've been commenting on a bunch of your posts, but I want to say THANK YOU. This blog is exactly what I needed and even though we've only waited 6 months so far, I'm starting to mentally prepare myself for what's to come. This blog has been so helpful and I hope you and Johan get the decision very soon! YOU GOT THIS!
ReplyDeleteOh J, thank you so much for all of your kind comments on my blog! I pretty much lost all of March, it was a total whirlwind of packing, quitting my job, saying goodbyes, cleaning up and selling things.... it was SO BUSY. So, I am very very sorry for not responding to your comments until now! But I read them the days that you sent them and they were SO uplifting. Thank you so much!!
DeleteHas there been any update on your case?
ReplyDeleteHi Lauren! Yes! :) I got my decision on Feb 29th - exactly 13.5 months of waiting, which was the average that the spreadsheet has shown. I recently completed my move here to Sweden, I am so glad it is finally over and done with!
DeleteWhen did you apply??