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At 8.5 weeks <3 |
This was a planned event; Johan and I have been talking about it for almost a full year. We decided when I was with him for a month over the holidays, that we should give it a try. Due to a few health factors, I have been told that my chances for natural conception and carrying a pregnancy full term are quite low. I turn 33 this year and I'll be damned if Migrationsverket takes away our chances of having a child. My doctors told me it could take years to conceive, so you can imagine our shock when, on my last day before flying home, Johan brought the pregnancy test into the living room with a look of wild shock and shouted, "IT'S POSITIVE!" Ahhhhh what a moment. He was as pale as a ghost and couldn't stop saying, "What the f*ck? What the f*ck!" in a mixture of shock and excitement and more shock. I jumped off the couch and grabbed him and starting laughing and crying at the same time and just kept saying, "I knew it! I knew it!!" We ran all the way in the middle of the night and in a snow storm to the farm next door where Johan's parents live, and declared the happy news. And then I called my sister while he called his sisters, and it was just... a night I'll never forget. My sister started to cry instantly, and that whole final night we spent together was magical. It was exactly our 1-year application anniversary, and now immortalized even more by learning we had created a new human :)
I have been DYING. The nausea and food aversions were one thing (I never really got sick to my stomach but I am still 6 lbs underweight as I try to recover from not eating for several weeks), but the first trimester exhaustion has been almost unlivable. I need almost 15-16 hours of sleep every day to keep going. My workouts have suffered, I feel increased pressure at work, and on top of it all, I am getting a bit desperate for this wait to be over. Not that I haven't been throughout the entire duration of this wait.... but, I am simply at my end. I feel I have very little left to give. I have been able to maintain my involvement in all the support communities up until now, but I am getting to the point of not being able to physically or emotionally handle it anymore.
I want very badly to keep the spreadsheet a main priority, but I find myself falling behind. My inbox on The Local, on Facebook, and even my comments sections here on this blog have suffered a little. I have generated a lot of energy for myself over the past 6 months by actually giving of myself; but now, this little creature inside of me takes everything it needs and what is left over is barely enough to keep me alive. I am still aware of my own advice and I hear the cheerleader telling me the end is near inside my mind, but to be frank, I feel increasingly broken. My enthusiasm and ability to help people is suffering, and I feel both exhausted and guilty all at the same time. And, of course, desperate for this experience to finally be over. I just need it to be over. I have fought a good fight, and I simply need the finish line now. Which brings us to the last point....
Updates On Our Case
In 3 days, Johan and I will be celebrating 13.5 months of waiting. We have learned a few things about our case.
Two weeks ago, exactly on our 13th month of waiting, I called Johan and I was pretty pissed off. Part of the penance I pay for being so involved in the spreadsheet is that I am constantly (constantly) exposed to application timelines. I prepared my heart many months ago to expect to see people who applied after me to get their decision before me. It happens to us all. But when I see those random cases that get early decisions (like, 8 months or shorter), it really weighs on me. Two weeks ago we saw a spat of cases get approved in 3-4 months, and in a hormonal rage, I called Johan and begged him to call MV. I even sent in my first JO complaint! Don't mess with a pregnant woman, hahaha.
So, he called MV gently for an accounting of our case. We had officially waited 13 months, and felt like we were due for an update. I prepared Johan; I told him to not bother asking about the waiting times because what kundtjänst says varies so widely that it cannot be trust. I told him that if he calls, ONLY ask if we have a beslutsfattande handläggare (a decision making case officer) and, if so, where they were located.
Well, it turns out that the woman on the phone said we did have a beslutsfattare, but she couldn't find a phone number for him. So she gave us his email, and the names and phone numbers of 2 team leaders at the Örebro office, where he is at.
Johan emailed the beslutsfattare, but got no response. So he called one of the team leaders and they confirmed that he is indeed a beslutsfattare, and the reason he doesn't have a phone number was because he was so new that they hadn't even set one up for him yet.
A couple days later, my friend Tricia (who applied 5 days before me) found out she had the same exact case officer! She waited and waited, but it came down to her having a flight to Sweden in 6 hours and they still hadn't heard back from him. She had her boyfriend call the Örebro office to see if there was anything that could be done or if they needed to cancel the flight, and 2 hours later they received their decision. But what was strange, was that the website still said the decision was pending. Finally, the next day, the website was updated, but it said that the decision was reached 4 days earlier than they were even informed it was done.
You can imagine my panic. A new case officer, and a case that seemed to have received a decision and then was forgotten about until the couple called to check on it. Wtf!!
Well, a few days later Johan called again. We learned some more info: Our case had the "draft write-up" already completed, and just needed approval. We asked what this meant, and the girl said that since this case officer was so new, all of his decisions needed to be approved by his Team Leader before they could be final. So this explained why Tricia's decision was reached 4 days before the Team Leader notified them that the decision had been reached. Relief! But then we learned that the case officer was now out sick, and the Team Leader was going to be on vacation for the entire week.
As fate should have it, I learned that another friend I have made in this process who applied 6 days after me, has also been assigned the same case officer at Örebro! (God... how many cases does this guy have on his desk!??) We shared information, and she told me that, apparently, this guy was hired or promoted on 1 January 2016, and that his probation would end on 1 March 2016. Which means as of next Tuesday (our 13,5 months of waiting anniversary) his decisions will be final and won't require secondary approval by the Team Leader. But since he already did a draft of our case during the probation, we're pretty sure our case will be stuck on the Team Leader's desk for review. The guy returned to work last Thursday but his Team Leader doesn't return from vacation until this Monday, and the case officer earns autonomy the following Tuesday. We feel trapped, and it seems like we have at least a week more of limbo with nothing more to do but wait for the Team Leader to finally get around to our case.
So, that's where we are now.
I know that there are plenty of worse things to complain about. I have met couples that are only just now preparing to submit their applications. I know couples who "only" applied last fall and they are in the throes of having already waited 4-6 months and sense that feeling that it has already been such an eternity that they've been waiting, but they aren't even close to being halfway through. I know how that feels. I know how every single stage of this wait feels, because I lived it. There were no loopholes, no easy ways out, no exceptions, no shortcuts. For those of us whose relationships survive this wait, we will all make it to the finish line in more or less the same amount of time; it's the condition we arrive in, which varies. This process requires the strength of 1,000 armies to avoid as many of the breakdowns that can plague each month.
I promised to be honest during this wait, and have been meaning to log a lot of the uglier things about this experience. I feel like the majority of my posts make me sound like a bouncing, happy person who is always positive and hopeful. There are times that I very much am, but they are a conscious decision to be that way. Every single day of this wait, the darkness and rage and depression have chewed at my edges. The simple realization that no amount of crying or complaining will change anything makes me see that all of it is mostly a waste of human energy that I don't have. I don't have time to be negative; I must force myself to see the light lest I go blind by the pessimism. 80% of this process is toxic; the remaining 20% can combat it equally, if you can keep a strong and level head.
But not every day can be a motivational speech. It's just that on the days that I am at my darkest level, I don't have the energy to word the pain correctly. I go speechless. I get kind of trapped or paralyzed... stuck between an uncontrollable downward spiral into despair, and an awareness that there is no point to talk about it, cry about it, or fight against it, because it will make no difference. In those moments, acceptance becomes both a friend and a foe; a friend in a sense that it can bring a numbness to save the energy spent crying, but also a dire awareness that not a single thing about me matters in this world. I suppose we should all have that humility and it's a good lesson to learn, but I have never gotten accustomed to how utterly powerless I am in trying to save myself. Migrationsverket has me on a leash, strung up by my feet, and no matter how I thrash, I will still not be able to touch the ground again until they decide they are ready to let me down.
The pregnancy hormones and exhaustion have no doubt made these feelings extremely acute. I got hit by a car 4 days ago and felt the fear of god in me... that any day I could be put in a position of having everything taken from me -- my unborn child, my own life -- while I sit in this fucked up queue for over a year, waiting for some person behind a desk to decide whether I'm allowed to continue my life. I know it's their job and I know it's necessary and I know it's not their fault and I know I'm hormonal and I know a lot of things. I'm tired of "knowing things". I want to go back to that place I had before this hell, when I had peace and balance in my life. I want to be reunited with my family member and carry on with my life; I am tired of worrying about losing my job, my child, my mind or my life as I slave away each and every day to force myself to see purpose in this, strive to find consolation in the joy of helping other people, and lie to myself that I'll be able to go back to normal after making it through to the end. I have permanently changed; I worry that I will never be able to sleep normally again.
You have helped so many of us more than you can know! Focus on yourself these next few days as your decision comes in!! HUGE congratulations on it all - your soon to be new addition, and reaching the end of this journey (or beginning?) ... I just know that all of us you have helped along the way are rooting for you!! -AM
ReplyDeleteThank you AM! It has taken me such a long time to catch up on everything... sorry for the delay in response! Your message meant so much to me. It really touched me. And, as luck should have it, the decision on our case finally arrived yesterday. I slept last night for the first time in like 5 months! :O Still trying to recover from all the stress and exhaustion, but wanted to stop by here and thank you so so much for such a sweet message <3
DeleteHey Megan,
ReplyDeletefirst congrats! What a great news! It's very sad to read that at your hardest time you can't be with your loved one yet, as someone who has been through 13+ months I clearly know how you feel on everything, of course now that you're pregnant and tired and not feeling well emotionally and physically, it would be even worse than my agony.
Be strong girl though, for yourself and your unborn child! The decision will come any minute from your analysis, you just got a bit unlucky to get stuck a bit. I came here today actually to see if you got the decision or not. Don't worry too much about tracking the timelines, all of the couples would understand. Just take care of yourself right now.
Hi dear Megan!
ReplyDeleteI am no 254. A silent follower of yours. First of all many many congratulations on this happy news. All my best wishes and prayers are with you. Definitely you will get your descion in few days. I can understand that at this stage you need your love to be with you. But this is part of life my dear. Please be strong and never lose hope. Since when I read your thought piece, I m feeling for you. You are such a strong and helping person that I took strength from you after reading your blog.
This phase will end and many many joys of life are waiting for both of you. Dont get in panic. Think positive, take healthy diet and try to remember those days you spend with your love. This will strengthen you. We are all with you and praying for you. Please keep calm and take gentle care of yourself.
Dear Meg,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your decision!!!!!! Glad you could sleep again. What now is important is for you to rest and recover from the stress and exhaustion. You have done an excellent job with your blog, and as much as I like reading updates everyday (I am fairly new to your blog), I think it's time for you to be a little "selfish" and only focus on yourself, your sambo and your baby.
Thank you for all the information you have gathered and your very empathetic and positive comments (yes, you do seem always as a happy, positive and hopeful person).
I'm the last person who posted on your "The Swedish Sambo Visa in 2015 Part 2" at:
I gave you my timeline but I forgot to tell you that I'd be very happy to be added to your spreadsheet :)
I also have added the facebook group I väntan på familjen.
Once again, thank you for your efforts, your blog is very comforting and so complete, every word and thought put into it has been very endearing and inspirational: All the information you have collected, how you explain how situations go down (I read all about the aliens act), your encouraging words, your advices, thoughts and is all very sweet and kind that you created this blog for all of us who can't wait to be reunited with our loved one.
Will be coming back often to see if you have updated more news on your journey.
Congrats on your decision and pregnancy esspecially! I do have a question about being pregnant and I hope you can help me. I applied a month ago to live with my boyfriend in Sweden. Two days ago i found out that I am pregnant. My concern is that, according to the waiting time, I wont get my permit until the next year. Is there a way that I can stay in Sweden longer than 90 days upon my pregnancy and to be allowed to wait for my decision inside of Sweden, because I would like to be there with my boyfriend. Eather way, if I give birth in Sweden while I am on a regular 90 days visit, are they allowed to request from me to go back to my home country`? Thank you and best wishes once again!! :))
ReplyDeleteHi there! Thank you so much, and congrats on the wonderful news!!!
DeleteOk, so there is a lot to say on this topic. Since MV doesn't grant priority anymore, it is true that you will almost certainly give birth before you get your decision. You can always request an extended tourist visa when visiting Sweden (there is a chance they could turn it down, but most likely they will grant it for no other reason than that you simply asked -- especially if you visit and request it earlier in your wait.) In the Alien's Act, it says you cannot be in Sweden at or around the time of your decision, so the longer you wait to request the extended tourist visa (like, beyond your 9th month of waiting) , the more likely they will deny your request given your ongoing sambo application.
If you do end up giving birth in Sweden, there is a very strong chance they will still make you return to your home country, unfortunately (especially for applicants who come from safe 1st world countries). I have at least seen it happen once before. In addition, since you will not be covered by the Swedish health care system while you wait, most births (without any sort of complication) cost about 50.000 - 80.000 SEK (approx. $6,000 - $10,000 USD) which you will have to either pay out of pocket, or else definitely check with your insurance provider to see if they will help cover the cost based on whichever hospital you seek to deliver at. And even further, most airlines will give you a hassle if you try to board a plane beyond the 7th month of pregnancy. I have heard of some even not allowing the passenger onto the plane specifically for this reason. So, that will be something you'll want to bear in mind - that if you still wanted to give birth in Sweden, that you would need to time it so that it doesn't pose a risk during flying, but that you could also afford the birth and ensure (or gamble) that you will get a tourist visa extension.... and all of this with consideration that you will be giving birth at around your 10th month of waiting, which is getting close to the end!
I know that was a mouthful - and maybe not any of the good news you were hoping to hear :( BUT - There is one other option though :) When you go for a visit, you can *attempt* to switch your application to an "inside application" (an "inifrån ansökan") and complete the rest of your wait from within Sweden and never have to leave. But this comes with two problems - the first is that pregnant women run a high risk of getting the request denied (especially if you come from a stable country, and especially since you will be giving birth so close to the end of your wait). It is much easier to give birth in your own country, and then visit with the infant and THEN try to switch to an inifrån ansökan. We see a much higher degree of success in applicants who do this. The second problem is that if you are granted the ability to switch to an inside application while pregnant, as stated before, you as the foreign mother will have to pay the full price of all of your health care and labor/delivery costs, which can get extremely expensive (especially if you end up needing a c-section).
So - those are things to take into consideration. Here is the link that discusses switching to an inside application on MV's website, and I would invite you to join our facebook group to solicit more input from the others who have done this, as they can give you tips and advice :)
And here is the link for the facebook group:
Good luck, and let me know how it goes!!
I am really enjoying reading your well written articles. I think you spend numerous effort and time updating your site . I have bookmarked it and I am taking a look ahead to reading new articles.